Due to series of complaints I have received that my shorts are, well, too short and tight (due to lack of activity no doubt), I decided that I needed some new shorts (for basketball and indoor soccer). On a recent chaffeuring activity to Spotlight, I found some sports mesh material. Feeling spontaneously creative, I decided to make a pair of basketball shorts.
"Are you sure?" asked my mum, with a half raised eyebrow.
"Yeah. It should be fun and I can learn how to sew," I replied full of enthusiasm.
"Why do you want to learn to sew? Don't you want to do something else....like woodwork or something?" she asked - almost half serious.
"Ok, so it is not the most stereotypical male activity, but one can have too many shelves and cupboards, but can always do with some extra clothes".
Still sceptical, she helped me draw a pattern from a large pair of basketball shorts. Yesterday, I spent a long time making them (or should I say, undoing my mistakes and re-doing them). Ok, I admit I had some help on the waist section which required the elastic and help redoing a bit of the pocket, but managed to finish it. Unfortunately, I was a little rough around the hem line as I got a little pedal happy towards the end. I do want to try to make one with as little help as possible. Anyway, so here it is - the finished product:

In a recent spate of nostalgia (probably after cleaning out my old room), I whipped out some old NBA games which I had watched some 10 years ago - when the Bulls were still the reigning champions and in favour. I noticed that I appreciate the plays and the individual's skill levels much more now that I had ever before (and considering that most of the team were older than 30). Maybe it is a sudden realisation that I am getting older and more injury prone (not to mention larger - ok, fatter - hence the need for larger pants).
On a separate note, listening to the commentators/judges (e.g. sports/Oz Idol/Think You Can Dance), some comments are harsh while others more diplomatic/euphemistic in their comments. Here are some examples:
"He is a defensive specialist" - translates to "He can't score".
"You look great" - translated to "You can't sing/dance all too well".
Ok, maybe I am overanalysing or maybe I am the one who is harsh. But I wonder whether people should accept the hard truth, as much as it may hurt, or should they be wrap in warm and fuzzy words just to make the recipient feel better. I sometimes coat some honey around the bitter pill of truth to make it easier to swallow, but other times I can be rather harsh (e.g. bball court). I can take constructive criticism - I guess don't take offense unless offense was meant.
The right leg of your shorts looks about an inch shorter than the left (yes, I'm harsh too).
Actually to be honest that's better than anything I've ever sewed. Very impressive, it's amazing what holidays can do to you. My sewing repertoire is limited to hemming and buttons. Nice work kiddo.
beckster: Hhhhhhaaaarsh. Anyway, I think that the material was a little creased when I pulled out the pocket in the photo. I had to double checked that it wasn't one inch longer...**phew** (you scared me there!)
Thanks for the compliments - hopefully I get better with some practise.
gizmo: Yeah, I know. My mother questioned me on it too. However, I have been putting up mirrors and towel racks in the house, so I can't say that I have been a total pansy. My reasoning is that brakes are pretty important as not getting it right could result in me eating a wall while going around a corner (or while avoiding the wealth of potholes on the roads out here). For the pants, the only embarassing situation is when I don't sew it properly and it falls apart while I am on the court...
Also, I have deliberately left cooking out until a much later date....:p
Sime - you're becoming a girl.
so: Ouch! I am merely trying to broaden my skills and learn some different things.
gizmo: Admittedly, I have gotten similar responses from a lot of people...I don't mind cooking and making a mess - I just hate cleaning up (I may need to outsource that bit).
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