Wednesday, 29 November 2006

Downward trend

When I cut myself or sprained an ankle, it was almost inevitable that it would heal quickly and be bouncing along again on the basketball court. Have to warm up before games? Nope. Bruised from jostling for position? Should heal in a couple of days. Eaten a huge meal? My metabolism will take care of that. Should I would down that dark alley for a short cut? Why not, what could happen to me? Touch wood, I have never had a broken bone but I have had my fair share of scars along the way. Maybe I never really took care of myself all that much.

Back in those days, sleep and rest was the most potent formula for getting back on track. As much as I would love to continue down that familiar path, I have to admit that many recent events have more than made it quite apparent that things have been changing. Subtely, but changing none the less. Those cuts don't quite heal overnight. That injury has been more pronounced or takes a lot more sleeps to get over (my last two injuries have resulted in a combination of nine weeks of inactivity). The back feels sore after three hours of training.

Perhaps these physical changes have subconsciously nudged my mental side to start to take notice. Four days of sport per week has probably been taxing on my body, but I am probably the last to admit that and keep pushing myself that little bit more. There is obviously the denial factor thrown in there to confuse things a fair bit as well.

Sure, it may have been the years of abuse that I had given my body. No, I am not referring to massive amounts of drugs (ok, excluding alcohol, if you want to be pedantic). I am referring to the fact that these are true signs of getting older, or my body trying to hint to me that I need to take more care of my body. Where previously I could stay up all night whilst drinking, I can barely get by days without an afternoon nap. My doctor and a family friend have both noticed my sudden "filling out" around the belly and the face. How depressing...

Maybe this friendly reminder is telling me to s-l-o-w d-o-w-n and pay attention to my own mortality. I think I need to be a more forward looking in my actions. The effects of rash decisions can be disastrous to say the least. It is not a race to the finish line - and I would rather reach the end fit and healthy than bruised and battered. I really should listen to my instincts a little bit more (and perhaps the doctor as well) but I need to take care of it and I guess make sure that I don't cause too much pain for myself. I think it is time to instigate some changes.

I hate sitting around while injured. It is so frustrating. I want to heal faster....I wish I were Wolverine.


sime said...

Yes, you are indeed - but by a rather insignificant amount.

The worst part is when one knows that they could previously do something, but now one cannot due to those constraints.

It's a sad cruel world, isn't it?

so..?!! said...

old fart.

sime said...

gizmo: True - one of the few things which get better with age. Ah....Aston Martin....**drool**

so: Yes, time has a wicked way of catching up with us all.