Events of late include:
1) Facebook: This the whole Facebook phenomena, which is pretty much connecting so many people. I have managed to get in contact with people which I have not seen in over 10 years, which is quite scary. It is a easy and succinct way to get to know what people are doing, even across the years and different locations. No, I am not an addict. Yet. Let's hope that they don't get closed down too quickly!
2) New addition: Well, I finally took the plunge and bought it. Yes, I know I had been looking at it for a long time, but I like to take my time. Have tried it a couple of times, and am almost going deaf from the sound it makes...but it brings such great joy when it flies off the club well, it is worth the wait. I can't wait to start playing more golf and getting better!
3) Too much of a good thing: Have been going to a few lunches of late. Someone asked me whether I would get sick of going out to lunches all the time and will the thrill and novelty of going to those places wear off. In a way, I think it will definitely wear off at some point or another, but at the moment, I can't say that I am complaining much....has anyone seen the prices of going out to eat lunch??? It is definitely good taking in lunch on the other days.
4) More than meets the eye: As if I would not have been a fan of Transformers as a kid. I loved them although I never really watched the cartoons that often as I was not allowed to watch TV in the mornings and Saturdays...*sniff*. The best part was FINDING my old Transformers. It sure brought back some good memories. I had Grimlock and Jazz...
Of course I remembered how to transform Grimlock!
5) Turning the tables: Lately, I feel that other people are doing all the travelling and I am the one who is static and not really going anywhere! It does feel rather strange as it appears that the tables have turned somewhat, but I guess everyone else is now deciding to fulfil their dreams and getting out there and chasing what they want which I think is absolutely wonderful. It is always good to see people after they go away for some time and can pick up where one has left off.
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