Wednesday 7 February 2018


I recall that last year, I was feeling drained and found it difficult to focus.
It's hard to sustain a high level of concentration - even basketball players face that problem, especially the grind of a long season until playoffs roll around.

Unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately) I am not a basketball player and I don't have  high stakes, winner-takes-all post season to determine success or failure.   So I can't just turn up in the second half.  I have to be there.  Consistently.  
Don't get me wrong - it's definitely not easy.  But for me - it comes down to concentration and discipline.  Perhaps I should be thankful that to some degree I have discipline some of the time.  I am not sure whether it was actively instilled in a younger version of myself, which has allowed me to reap the benefits today.  We always have our weakness or compromises from time to time, but it should be that guide.  I recently rewatched "The Last Samurai" - with Tom Cruise, which was a movie romanticising the way of the samurai, which in a way was about exhibiting the discipline to do things to perfection.  It was not about being necessarily the fanciest nor elaborate - but somehow striving for an elusive perfection, yet sadly recognising that such a goal may never truly be attainable.

It was to exhibit the self control and to ensure to control oneself before the situation.  It's both hilarious and reprehensible to witness heightened efforts for show, but yet when the cat's away...
To be honest, I do believe it ebbs and flows - and I really am not sure if it is something really learned or instilled, but would be fascinated to understand a very "lay" answer to that!

However, it is quite easy to lose oneself in the grind of things.  Injuries and being busy with personal events have led to me disrupting the schedule - and lack of progress or results definitely is mentally challenging.  But hopefully, I can get back to a semblence of a routine to be back to being the disciplined self and getting back into the swing of things!