Saturday 10 December 2005

Here I am

I have been taking advantage of the free high speed internet in the serviced apartment to use instant messenger as well as using the voice conversation functions. With many companies using voice over IP (VoIP), I figured that it must be rather mature by now. In all honesty, I have found it to be quite bearable - not much different to buying a calling card.

After deciding to take it one step further and supplement audio with video, I spent some time in choosing a small webcam for myself. Like any kid half my age, I got home all excited and eager to try it out. The setup always takes a long time, but I managed to see myself on my laptop screen! Success!

My previous experiences with using video conferencing were poor - perhaps due to the quality of the actual hardware itself. When I finally got it working with my instant messenger, I was pleasantly surprised with the results - potentially from low expectations up front.

Normal capture mode was reasonably fluid. Once integrated with an instant messenger, it was slightly laggy, but at least the quality of the image was high (640x480). Overall I was quite pleased with the results and felt that the video side definitely has added a very different dimension to keeping in touch with people. Sure, it beats just talking on the phone, but I'm sure further developments will continue to enrich this experience.

Being so far from all my friends and family highlights how difficult it is to keep in touch. Even with a relative abundance of resources at our disposal to communicate, it is still difficult to keep in touch and a far cry from face to face contact. There are many aspects outside audio and video which contributes to the entire experience, so I think that there is some way to go. For the time being, I'd just rather be there.


cosine said...

webcams are cool! now you can broadcast 24-7! so ppl can spy on your every move!

Beckster said...

I second that! Webcams via MSN coupled with Skype and earphones helped me survive a few months of quasi long-term-relationshipism.

It's not the same thing, not by a long shot. But it sure as hell is better nothing. Our world has become a lot smaller in this sense through some amazing technology.

Looking forward to catching up when you're back! =)

sime said...

mindy: It's good, but not sure about spying on people! I don't think I have that urge just yet to broadcast my life via webcam.

beckster: Yeah, technology is great - I can't wait for the next improvement to come through to make it that one step better!

Definitely look forward to catching up! I could do with a drink right about now...