Monday 1 January 2018

Happy 2018

Looking back at 2017, I did try to achieve my goal of posting more.  I definitely tried to post more than those meager years and so hopefully that did come through a bit more.

What I probably did not do so well with was trying to post more photos - which would definitely make this more interesting and something which I think would add a bit more colour to the posts.  Especially after I bought my drone!

On reflection, 2017 was an interesting year and looking forward, it would be interesting if I were able to be more balanced in 2018.  I want to be able to spend the time learning new skills to improve myself, and read more books.  Now that I have a tablet, I hope I will be able to get out there and read more and welcome myself into the age of technology.

Last year, I mentioned - learning a new language (incl a programming language), so I think I need to definitely put some more time into it to keep up my language skills.

Over the Christmas period, my family mentioned that I am not really a planner - so that needs to change and I need to be able to plan more to do more from here on in.  I also want to have a cleaner place, so the plan is to be more discerning in terms of what I keep vs what I want to discard.

More goals to come and so many improvements but hope that 2018 is a better year!  

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