Sunday 24 July 2016

Back into the swing of things

It has definitely been a busy period for me.

So it is definitely been good to be not so busy and then focus on a few things which either are neglected, or just have not been doing as much of lately.  The two things which come to mind immediately are gaming and photography.

From a gaming perspective, there has been some absolutely shocking closure rates.   For a while I was trying to get into Civ Rev - and attempt to finish it on different civilisations in different outcomes, but that does take a fair bit of time. I had bought some PS3 games on the cheap, hoping to finish them before starting on the PS4 games.  But what has happened in reality is that my PS3 has been neglecting and my PS4 remains practically unopened!  Terrible.  So recently, I started playing Hitman Absolution - old I know, but have to just start somewhere! That's on top of Final Fantasy which I am playing as well!

Where to begin with photography.  For me, it certainly has been stop start in the sense that I really did want to learn more and understand it better in order to take better photographs.  But the time and effort to take gear out, take the photos, look through and organise photos has been quite time consuming and really I have not made it as convenient as I could have.  I do enjoy looking at people's photos and admiring them, and still want to take great photos - it's just that little bit harder.  Then there is the gear.  The good old SLRs are awesome but feeling the weight and heft of these is sometimes straining!  Hope that this is not a sign I am getting too old.  Or perhaps it is just that I want new geaaaaaar.....(and let's be honest, who doesn't).

Ok, there really is one more and that is housework.  Being busy has meant that often times, it is has just meant that I do the bare minimum to get by, whether it be washing, ironing and general cleaning.
This computer I am typing on needs a clean as I am sure that the fans have a fair bit of dust on them as well. 

Maybe I am just bad at setting goals for myself.  'Baby steps', I should tell myself.  So perhaps I need to now, finish at least one game by end of the year, take and post some new photos, and clean out my wardrobe.  Yes - so I'll check this list later and hopefully complete it sooner.  Now, I have to choose which one I am ready to tackle....but perhaps I'll watch a movie first!

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