Tuesday 7 December 2004

My Story

"This is my story."
- Tidus [Final Fantasy X]

Everyone has a story to tell and I believe that the impression we leave with people is different with the various people we meet in our lives: to my parents, I am (and still) the naughty kid; to my mates, I am just another friend; to my colleagues I am just another droid. So perhaps I should spare the introduction and start letting my story (at least this chapter, anyway) unfold.


Beckster said...

Welcome to the blogging world!!! After all this time I finally managed to convince you to blog *little victory dance*.

You have such a smart and wacky mind, I'm sure your writing will help reveal a side of your humour that many do not get to appreciate.

Looking forward to reading great things from you =). Oh and to me you're always going to be the friend who scrapes me off the floor when I'm drunk and forces me to chug water. Kudos.

sime said...

Hi Beckster!

Thanks for the encouragement! (and pressure as well!) I'll try not to bore with my wacky thoughts!

Haha - I'll try and do my best with regards to scraping friends off the floor of bars...though I've never figured out who's going to scrape me off the floor!

so..?!! said...

hey mr slui, its so!
stumbled on your site thru gizmo.
just wanted to say "hi" :)

sime said...

LMM: Hi! Now I know who LMM is! Welcome and hope you like it!

Intrazero: My man! Good to see that you have found some time in your busy schedule to browse! *Gulp* Let's hope that I don't disappoint!