Thursday 30 December 2004

Virgo shopper perfectionist

In recent weeks with celebrations of Christmas presents, Kris Kringle, birthdays and all, I had been rather preoccupied with shopping. It was rather hard work too!

"What are you doing today?" someone would ask.
"Shopping for presents," I would reply mechanically.
"Again???" would come the incredulous response. "What happened to the gift you were going to get yesterday?"
"Yeah, somehow it wasn't quite right and so I did not buy it," I would respond meekly.

This went on for a while, but then someone asked me: "Are you a Virgo?"
Being a non-Virgo and having a curious nature, I naturally replied, "No. I am not a Virgo. Why do you ask?"
"Oh. You seem to be a perfectionist. That's a trait of a Virgo."

My curiosity had gotten the better of me.
"What makes you think I am a perfectionist? Can you give me an example of when I have shown I am a perfectionist?"
"'Cos it takes you so long to get your shopping done."

Hang on there! There’s nothing wrong with trying to find the right gift for people. I don’t want receivers of my gifts to think that I gave no thought to them. I want to give people something they can use! I would try to consider them individually. Also, the elation on the face of the receiver when they get a good present is great!

I started to form my protest and stopped myself. I pondered this point for a moment. It must be quite apparent for someone else to pick it up, so I thought I better get a second opinion.

I asked someone else, "Do you think I am a perfectionist?"

Am not - damn it! Next!

"Do you think I am a perfectionist?"
"Ah dude. I have known you for years. I know you are a perfectionist."

Aren't I just a simple person who is content with all around me. Perhaps more self reflection and opinions were necessary.

After exhausting a couple more friends who would put up with such a question, maybe I have to concede that I am a bit of a perfectionist (and that would be a very small "bit"). Sure, I admit, I can get rather picky – especially if it is something which is mine, but hey doesn’t everyone? I could be a dreamer and have a vivid imagination, but that doesn't mean that I don't put a "realistic" spin on things. There are some things I don't really worry too much about (e.g. traveling; wrapping presents – partly my fault for buying oddly shaped gifts; the nutritional value in the food I eat). At what point does one cease to be a perfectionist or become a perfectionist? Don't most people exhibit slight perfectionist qualities in the things they do (e.g. how they dress, taking pride in their work)?

At the moment, I have not thought too much this "perfectionist" trait (ok - perhaps I am still partly in denial). It is an interesting idea - I might explore my perfectionist *ahem* tendencies a little more! I may even see this crop up more than I cared to previously admit (or perhaps I will see none!).

On the bright side, I guess I can’t be picky in absolutely everything, otherwise I would have a hard time completing my daily tasks!


cosine said...

You are a perfectionist who enjoys self analysis/reflection and has girly hand writing! hee! :P which are all good things btw! :) liked the post!

sime said...

Haha. Thanks! I'll also try to avoid adding paranoia to the list!

the girl said...

As previous events have proven, you lack the present-wrapping ability full stop. I don't think its an odd patch on your perfectionism trait.

It isn't necessarily a bad thing though. Nothing wrong with demanding the best for yourself.